Resin Sorceress
Witchful Wishings is a small business that 19 year old, Utah based Madison created to sell the one of a kind art pieces that she makes.
- So, Madison, when did you found Witchful Wishings?
Oh that's awesome! How long have you been building your skills? And for those who don't know, what do you create?
I started in February this year! And started officially selling in March 2020! I create a variety of resin art such as trinket dishes, wall hangings, jewelry etc. There is a large variety for everyone!
What drew you to resin art?
I have always been very creative and artistic! I wanted to be able to combine all of my hobbies/talents into a business where I could flourish and expand!
That's super cool. Can you tell me more?
I suffer with severe anxiety disorder and creating art and being able to express myself through my pieces has saved my life and gave me a healthy outlet to cope! Resin art specifically because of how intricate my pieces are.
Wow! Thank you for sharing, it's incredibly special to find that connection.
Where did you come up with the name?
I am actually a witch! And I am super inspired by witch aesthetic, botanical, [and] medicinal things! So I just created the name based around what inspires me. (Nothing too special, lol) But my art is definitely an oxymoron of my personal style because I dress dark but I make a lot of colorful art.
I love it :D
Thank you!!
How long have you been a witch, and what does that mean to you?
And I think that is SUPER special.
Never let anyone tell you otherwise.
You are so, so sweet! Thank you!
To me, being a witch is being in tune with all the living things around me, loving and nurturing all living things and all the people I love personally as well! Doing good, being a great person, and practicing GOOD spells and magick too!
Lol, I just wanted to specify I'm doing good things. People think that being a witch is bad! Haha.
Oh my gosh, it is so true though!
I wouldn't have interviewed ya if you weren't a good witch though!
When did you make that conscious decision to claim being a witch?
I know right?! It's crazy...
When I was 14 years old I decided to claim being a witch, doing magick and spells! But it was very secretive as I was a child in a strict household until I was 17 years old and out on my own where I could be free to be as I am!
That's so beautiful.
What drew you to witchcraft over the other traditional spiritual practice?
These are such tricky questions lol.
I mean, I've always felt really different from everyone else around me and always felt like the outcast, so naturally I gravitate towards other non-traditional things anyway lol. I've always really been into spirits/the paranormal, tarot cards, crystals, etc. you name it! Haha. I was always told I had good energies, so I just did lots of research and just felt so comfortable living as a witch!!!
That's so beautiful.
And I am glad these are making you think. I prefer to do a deep dive and showcase who you are as a whole being, not just what you do.
Yes of course! I love that you are doing that!! It's amazing <3<3<3
So tell me about your anxiety disorder. I feel like it is a more common problem than people realize.
I was diagnosed around 3-4 years old! We had already known I had it due to genetics from my mother, it was extremely difficult growing up because anxiety rules your life (if you let it) but once I was out on my own, it was a relief and I began to heal by making art!
Anxiety is difficult to deal with, but finding a safe space in something creative opens up tons of ways to cope with your [panic] attacks!
And yes! It is a lot more common than people realize.
Do you have herbal remedies you use in addition to healing through art?
I sage my space before and after creating my art! I also listen to meditation or calming music too. It really helps concentrate your mind into a positive direction.
So, this interview won't be out for a few months (*interviewed May 2020) and who knows what will be going on then, but how are you fairing during this time of crisis?
It's definitely crazy... I'm honestly just pretending everything is okay because I'm too sensitive lol! Just been submerging myself into art to save my sanity! Lol.
I hope you are well during this time!
That is always a good strategy though.
Yeah, I've been really good, about the same though, just immersed in art.
When you're not making fab resin pieces, how else do you spend your time?
That's awesome! I totally understand :)
You are so sweet!! I love to paint, draw, sing. All the creatives haha
- What about you?
- Ooh, no one has flipped the tables on me yet, congrats on being the first.
I was crocheting, and singing, and hula hooping in addition to writing [up until recently], but this year I decided to just put my all into writing and here we are. Although I do crochet on occasion still... Does cooking for survival count??
Of course! Hah <3<3
Omg. How cool! I love your hobbies!
Cooking for survival also counts!
Oh good. I've been doing that for almost 7 year. Keeps my anxiety and depression at bay for sure.
Do you have any movement practices like dance or anything? I have found that moving is super crucial to managing mental well being.
**alternative question (feel free to answer both)
Do you use live materials or man made goods for your pieces (like the butterflies)
I haven't tried dance actually! And also yes I use paper butterflies and taxidermy ones too! Just depends!!
Oh that's cool. Where do you get taxidermy butterflies?
My local taxidermy!
That's super cool!
When did you start using actual specimens instead of paper pretties?
I've actually used both since I started my bizz <3
Which do you prefer to work with? Is one more delicate than the other?
I like both but taxidermy butterflies are a bit difficult to work with! Definitely a learning curve.
Are you entirely self taught?
Yes! <3<3
Oh cool! What were your resources for learning?
Honestly, just my own experience! Just learning along the way.
Madison, you are such a rad chick, I am really thankful for the opportunity to talk to you a little about your craft.
To wrap up, what advice do you have for anyone who struggles with anxiety? How do you stay so upbeat? I am sure our readers would love some insight from a good witch.
My advice for people with anxiety is to always be yourself! Regardless of the challenges you may face and the fear you feel.
I continue to stay upbeat by reminding myself that I'm not the only one who struggles with anxiety! And completely submerging myself into struggles, challenges, and hardships hold you back and define you! Some of the hardest things we go through grow us into the most beautiful people.
And one final Q for you, how can our readers stay connected to your journey and your incredible work?
They can stay connected with me through my Instagram, Twitter, FB, @WitchfulWishings and my website! I post on all platforms multiple times a day!